Faye Bradbury

Faye Bradbury, based in Herefordshire, was born a conduit/hollow bone for spirit, plant and animal kingdoms, Source energy, your energy and more. Laughter and humour are an essential part of her medicine. She has many qualifications in various esoteric and healing type modalities but her passions are working shamanically and with sound, especially with the voice and music. She loves collaborating with others and has been singing with Pow Wow singing teams since 2013 and collaboratively runs a song, drum and sound circle monthly with another sound sister for the past 4 years.

A fully qualified eco-shamanic practitioner, her initiation has been lifelong and spirit-led with interests and resonances in many varied cultures and philosophies from around the world. She is also a qualified sound medicine therapy practitioner and loves working with vocals. Faye combines these two disciplines, weaving magic and facilitating potential deep transformational healing and energetic and emotional shifts. She is also a medicine drum, rattle and tool creator and takes commissions for bespoke tools.

She has worked with and for many people of all ages, cultures, and from all walks of life over the past 17 years through fayres, festivals; the regular sound baths, retreats, workshops, and 1:1 sessions she holds; regular and one-off collaborative projects and private events. She is looking forward to being a guest collaborator with the wonderful Sundrum group again this year under the umbrella of the Wild Hearts Rose Project.

Faye is offering the following at Elementary Festival as well as collaborating with Sundrum:
Half hour Indian head massage. The Indian head massage leaves you feeling light as a feather and walking taller
Sound medicine therapy & shamanic healing 1 hour: a journey of sacred sounds and shamanic healing practices that work on shifting and healing the emotional and physical aspects of self. Instruments used may include the drum, rattle, singing bowls, crystal singing bowl, bells, vocals, Native North American flutes, shruti box and more. Faye works closely with your energy needs, and with allies in the plant, animal and spirit worlds. The session is completely unique and tailored to you and there is often a soul song and other vibrational sounds bought through her voice for you. You are held in a safe space and, with permission, there may be some hands-on healing as well. You are also sometimes encouraged to be actively involved. This can affect deep healing for people. You may need to be quiet for a little while after the session to assimilate the process.

Please note that there are contraindications to sound medicine therapy: pacemakers, women in their first trimester of pregnancy, and sound-induced epilepsy. If you have acute mental health issues, please disclose this in confidence before your session.

Shamanic drum journey where you travel into a deep meditative or trance like state on the fast continuous beat of the medicine drum to journey on your intention and see what you are shown. Faye assists with the interpretation afterwards. This can be done as a small group or individually.
