Lou Noble

Self-penned songs that speak truths of the now. Songs to empower and uplift, through ever-changing times of challenge and uncertainty. Inspired by the recognition that we are all connected and can find peace and love through community and our connections with Nature.

“Lou Noble is an experienced and professional singer with great range and styles … she sings from the heart with stunning passion and technique. The audience reads the real emotions of her performance and it draws them in. From jazz, reggae to folk, Lou
Noble’s powerful vocals, smooth guitar, and stage presence have it all! …not to be missed out on!!”  Tom Warwick.

“Compelling and charismatic performance, timeless and evocative songs.”  Meltdown, Cardiff.

https://www.facebook.com/lounoblemuse MUSICIAN PAGE
https://www.facebook.com/Lounoblemusic BAND PAGE
https://soundcloud.com/lou-noble MUSIC

Contact Lou:
Mobile: 07877-654185
Email: lounoblemusic@gmail.com